Episode 203 – Stuart Morris – A Testament to the Sacred Brevity of Life / Turning Adversity into Art, Problems into Profitable Business

“There is a time to give up. There is a time to look yourself in the eye and say, this is not working, time to stop. But your spirit, you, your desire to succeed whatever that is whether it’s making millions or making a few tens of thousands, if your spirit is always there, then you never gave in.” – Stuart Morris

  • Stuart Morris is a neurodivergent dynamic face at the nexus of entrepreneurship, innovation, and rites of passage. A serial-entrepreneur, tech inventor, TEDx speaker, former award-winning lecturer in entrepreneurship at one of the top 1% global business schools, and the current CEO of the #1 celebrancy training business in the world, the International College of Professional Celebrants, as well as the managing director for his retreat center, High Trenhouse in Yorkshire.
  • With impressive milestones in Stuart’s 30+ year career as an entrepreneur, such as one of his start-up collaborations hitting five billion dollars on the NYSE, his work changing the financial landscape of Moldova, or instilling the fiery entrepreneurial spirit in young minds across Europe, teaching at the Henley Business Stuart’s School Stuart’s journey has been marked by triumph and transformation. But, the highs have been met with equally low, lows — from the tumultuous pain of divorce, to family loss, and late-life revelation of his dyslexia and autism — these challenges have fueled his relentless pursuit of a meaningful and personalized business, a testament to the sacred brevity of life.
  • At a meeting point of practicality and celebration, Stuart shares his passion for his work and life and the entrepreneurial journey that began with his courageous decision to branch out on his own. Stuart talks about the wonderful learnings that unfolded which included his own struggles with mental, physical, and financial health. Stuart and Patrick discuss entrepreneurialism – nature or nurture – and the degrees therein, tenacity in the face of adversity, higher powers, and clarity of core values to steer our direction. Stuart thrives in making a positive difference for his family, his team and his clients through his courses, retreat centre, his work as a celebrant and in the valuable experiences of life. Listen in as Stuart shares those experiences with honesty, vulnerability, and meaning.
  • Show Notes
  • [00:42] Patrick introduces his next TEDM guest, Stuart Morris.
  • [02:49] Rolling in from the UK, Stuart explains what he does, where he does it from and what he doesn’t like to do!
  • [05:51] The perennial question: are we born entrepreneurs, or can we be trained to become entrepreneurs? In Stuart’s opinion – both. He brings it down to human behaviour, and one’s approach and aversion to risk. He feels those in the middle of the bell curve can be helped and coached to look at risk in a different way and nurture their journey to and through entrepreneurialism.
  • [09:40] Stuart and Patrick discuss degrees of entrepreneurialism, adversity quotient, tenacity and trade offs. It’s important for people to realize the high-profile entrepreneurs in our society are anomalies, not a normal measure of how entrepreneurialism looks. It’s the 20-year grocery shop owner who is more representative. Stuart quotes Winston Churchill to describe that spirit which entrepreneurs share which is, “Never give in.” It’s an important distinction from how Mr. Churchill if often misquoted “Never give up.”
  • [15:58] Work-life balance and defining our vision. Stuart and Patrick both agree that work-life balance is not a thing. Stuart describes what quality of life looks like for him. Understanding how we define quality of life for ourselves is what provides the foundation for defining our vision.
  • [23:24] Stuart talks about his property in northern England in the “middle of nowhere” which houses their retreat centre in a 300-year-old building. Although a magnificent challenge he’s taken on, Stuart eloquently describes the intense satisfaction this business brings and the joy he feels witnessing his guests’ transformation at the end of a retreat. Building this along with a great team, allows for the longevity and sustainability of his business whether he’s gone for a week, a month or for good.
  • [30:02] Patrick and Stuart share stories about the satisfaction and various ways they’re able to profoundly impact people’s lives. Yes, they are both in it to be of positive contribution to others, but it must also be of positive contribution to themselves.
  • [35:43] The importance of knowing our intrinsic core values. Stuart not only has those conversations with his clients but also with his teams. All business carries the DNA of the founder, its leadership and their core values. Stuart uses Boeing as an example of how things change when the vision and values of the leadership changes.
  • [39:44] Accountability in any business, rests with the leader(s) of that business. The more clarity a leadership team has with its values, the easier it is to make decisions that align with those values when the challenges arise. Stuart shares a personal story which illustrates that truth. In the framework of clarity = velocity, velocity is not just speed, it’s also direction. Clarity of that direction creates longevity vs. perpetual hustle.
  • [47:11] Stuart explains the ways in which people can come to and experience their time at his retreat centre. In his entrepreneurship business (and title of his new book) the One in a Million Life, Stuart harnesses the power of community to run courses both online as well as an in-person bootcamp intensives.
  • [50:46] Early on in life, Stuart suspected he would end up running his own business. As he worked through several jobs after university, the last of which was bought out and shut down, Stuart came to the courageous decision to branch out on his own. He shares the interesting journey that has since unfolded including his own struggles with mental health, physical health, and financial health.
  • [56:22] Divine intervention? Stuart shares his beliefs on a higher power, serendipity, and free will. In his business of celebrancy training and as an officiant, Stuart has learned about the history and the importance of ceremony and ritual in life, death and burial.
  • [64:58] Future outlook. Stuart talks through his focus in business, what he’s passionate about, and where you can learn more about his offerings.
  • [69:14] Lets get down with the rapid fire! Apple or Android; favourite movie (mood dependent); favourite band; room-desk-car [plane!]; message at the pearly gates.
  • [72:02] Stuart’s gratitude and the depth underneath it.

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