Episode 200 – Mark Evans – Deal Maker and Big Thinker

“I was more afraid of what I knew, than what I didn’t know. So many people are afraid of the unknown. I knew what I knew, and I didn’t want it, and I was willing to change my life to get what I want. – Mark Evans

  • Mark Evans DM is a 12X bestselling author, serial entrepreneur, and family man. The DM has been a staple in the real estate investing community ever since he started hosting events and seminars all across the United States. Nowadays, his reputation is heavily based on his ability to help other entrepreneurs automate and scale their businesses. Mark is a mentor to thousands of business owners including those in the DM Family & DM Alliance.
  • Mark is an angel investor in dozens of ventures. He’s involved in everything from real estate deals and developments to restaurants, media companies, e-commerce stores, and everything in between. As a philanthropist Mark loves exercising his “giving muscle.” He has given away homes to the less fortunate, built an entire village in Haiti, raised money for Operation Underground Railroad, and continues to give his time and fortune to those in need.
  • Arguably Mark’s most important role is as a husband to his loving wife, Deena, & father to his beautiful children Mark & Dria. Spending time with family is Mark’s number one motivation. They currently reside near Cleveland, Ohio and Parkland, Florida.
  • Mark and Patrick dive into some impactful topics on leadership, real estate, coaching and mindset. Mark shares stories of his background, his training, his work ethic, and his willingness to change his life to overcome the experiences of growing up in financial struggle. Mark believes strongly in staying true to ourselves and the power of showing up as our genuine selves. Making a shift in mindset is essential to drive the vision, goals and results we desire and Mark shares his view of peer mentoring, thought audits, coaching and collaboration. Mark’s experience in life so far has shown at the end of it all, the most important things in life are relationships and he is taking time to enjoy every moment of it. Listen in to this magnetic conversation!
  • Show Notes
  • [00:42] Patrick introduces his next TEDM guest, Mark Evans.
  • [02:58] Mark and Patrick get the show on the road and Mark describes what he’s up to in the truest sense of the word, and in which arenas he plays.
  • [05:29] Entrepreneur or business owner? Mark and Patrick each share their thoughts on the distinction between the two. They also share their mutual desire to create a culture of intrapreneurs in their business. Leaders who have a vested interest and a passion for what they contribute to the company.
  • [10:13] Full time real estate investor since 1996, Mark has done thousands of deals with all different strategies and still believes in its simplicity. It’s math. Either it works or it doesn’t. Human beings are what gets in the way and complicates things. Mark talks about where he’s investing and the states he likes the best.
  • [12:54] Mark shares his thoughts on current markets and how its being reflected in real estate investment.
  • [16:38] As a short-term lender himself Mark talks about using the right lending for the right buying strategy. There are a lot of different angles.
  • [19:57] Mark takes us back to his life growing up in financial struggle and where his entrepreneurial spirit evolved from. There’s a gene that true entrepreneurs share, and Mark has it. Though he admits he had to surround himself with big thinkers before he started thinking big.
  • [23:57] Making a shift in mindset is essential to drive the vision, goals and results we desire. Mark was more afraid of what he knew – growing up with very little money – than he was of the unknown. He was willing to change his life to have a more desirable experience. He embodied confidence and embraced the support of peer mentoring.
  • [30:40] The stories we tell ourselves. Mark recommends thought audits from time to time. Why are we having these thoughts? Where did they come from? Are they even true? Which then gets summarized into two simple questions “Are these thoughts serving me? Or are they hurting me?”
  • [33:40] When is enough money, enough for Mark and what does that even mean to him?
  • [36:52] Mark shares his thoughts on owning “things,” coaching, and investing in leadership development. Coaching has played a huge role in Mark’s life since the very beginning and he truly believes in lifelong learning that must be combined with execution.
  • [43:53] Know thyself. Be true to thyself. Reverse engineer your outcome. Many people choose not to, to avoid accountability. Mark finds himself motivated by death. He uses that inevitability to positively create a life he loves.
  • [48:10] Patrick and Mark each share a story about ego and owning things. Mark has another hack around rule-setting.
  • [51:12] How does Mark view the work ethic and mindset of a generation younger than him, with social media and “overnight-successers” so prevalent? It’s a different time and plenty to take advantage of. The negativity that exists in social media is the one thing Mark sees as a problem.
  • [54:31] Patrick tells a story about Ron LeGrand and he and Mark share their takeaways from the style of salespeople and educators like Ron, and Ted Thomas.
  • [57:19] Branding. Mark discusses how he brands himself, how he’s had to evolve, and provides guidance for those seeking to start or change their own brand awareness. Collaborate, transfer relationships, share your diverse interests and be yourself.
  • [61:57] It’s important to remember that we’re not going to be everyone’s jam, and we have to stay true to our genuine selves. At the end of the day Mark would rather have 5 deep, connected relationships than 500 meaningless ones.
  • [64:46] Chasing the destination, instead of the checkpoint. Comparison is the worst thing we can do for ourselves. Mark’s interest lies in constantly evolving and improving and uses situations such as this interview as a checkpoint to self-reflect, analyze what worked well and what he could improve upon.
  • [68:23] Closing in on the rapid fire, we head into the final segment: Apple or Android, impactful books, diverse musical style, favourite movie, favourite swear word, and message at the pearly gates.
  • [71:57] Mark’s gratitude.

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