April 25, 2017
Episode #7 – Rachel Oliver – Finding Success in Others’ Successes
“People helped me in a moment where I needed the help; and they elevated me. In that moment of being elevated it cemented the fact that when I have an opportunity to do the same for others, I absolutely will never second guess it. ”
– Rachel Oliver
Rachel Oliver is a full-time real estate entrepreneur, author of the best-selling book The Rent to Own Essential Guide for Homebuyers, engaging speaker and gifted mentor.
At the age of 17 Rachel moved away from her family home and embarked on a journey of self-reliance, higher education, manifestation and success both personally and in business. As with any journey of success, Rachel has navigated challenges in her life and she does so with perseverance, gratitude and a sharp mindset.
From graduating York University with her BA to landing a job in Russia during Perestroika; surviving breast cancer to authoring an international best-selling book on Rent to Own real estate; Rachel is a woman who lives her life with intention. Along the way she has experienced support and mentorship which elevated her life and now embraces the opportunity to give back in the same way. Her Rent to Own business, Clover Properties is the vehicle she and her husband Neil use to help families reach their homeownership goals, but is only one example of how Rachel lives a life based on her core belief of helping and supporting others to succeed.
Connect with Rachel Oliver:
Clover Properties
LinkedDin - The Rent to Own Essential Guide for Homebuyers
- Real Estate Investment Network
- York University
- York University International MBA Program
- Perestroika
- Think and Grow Rich, Napoleon Hill
- Tony Robbins
Show Notes
- [01:10] Introducing Rachel Oliver
- [04:13] Let’s get goin’
- [04:58] Rachel explains what her Elevator Pitch means to her and the people she impacts
- [05:35] Rachel’s uncommon business philosophy, her essence and how she transformed the hand-ups she received along the way by elevating others
- [07:50] Rachel takes us on a personal journey from a young age and the roadblocks she encountered at 17
- [10:50] How early life experience and relationship with her Mother shaped Rachel’s character and resilience
- [12:49] The gift of early mentors and the path of higher education
- [15:50] Discovering the world of real estate investing and an early introduction to tenants and toilets!
- [17:35] Rachel moves out of university and into a J.O.B… with a twist
- [18:35] Exploring a different path through International Business and an MBA
- [19:05] Rachel’s innovative action toward opportunity: Russia’s transitions and a prospect with Pepsi! …and Coca Cola
- [21:05] Wondering which one Rachel chose? Bringing it back to Michael Jackson and Napoleon Hill
- [22:43] A swift on-the-job life lesson!
- [24:15] Rachel’s realizes her teenage dream, through intention and opportunities seized
- [26:47] Showing up with more awareness and more purpose at 23 years old
- [28:10] Rachel talks about her experience of working within what is typically a “man’s world” in the corporate and entrepreneurial world
- [31:25] Rachel reveals the catalyst that pushed her to take action from doubting to doing
- [33:10] How does Rachel define success?
- [33:45] Rachel and Patrick share their perspectives on business, work and life priorities
- [35:50] Rachel shares a personal story of why it’s so important for her to have the freedom and flexibility as a parent and business owner
- [37:58] Rachel explains her philosophy of integrity with and for her family
- [40:35] Manifesting Mr. No and more on the dynamics of the partnership between Rachel and her husband Neil
- [42:50] Rachel talks about one of her important growth strategies in life; it goes back to communication
- [43:38] Rachel shares an example of this growth strategy in her relationship and real estate business
- [48:08] The purpose behind expanding beyond the Rent to Own business Rachel and her husband have successfully built
- [50:45] What was Rachel’s biggest failure, turned into a blessing in disguise?
- [51:40] Rachel talks about dealing with breast cancer, how she showed up in her life for herself and her family and the blessing of being elevated by receiving help.
- [53:45] Reflecting on the feelings Rachel experienced as a result of her breast cancer diagnosis
- [55:50] Rachel discusses her confidence and the strategy she uses when it wanes. Again, communication.
- [57:50] Rachel talks about what is behind her sharp and intentional mindset
- [59:40] Patrick delves into Rachel’s self-talk when things are less than optimal. Hint: it’s more physical
- [61:40] Insights for Rachel which now seem obvious to her that don’t seem so obvious to others
- [63:30] When is the right time to connect with and embrace self-development
- [65:35] Tapping into intuition
- [66:55] Patrick asks Rachel to identify her top three guiding tips for other women who want to achieve the type of success she has
- [69:30] Patrick shares his learning about how women can set themselves up for more capacity and success
- [70:20] Rachel explores relationships that elevate, and her relationships with other women
- [73:20] What guidance would present-day Rachel share with 20-year old Rachel?
- [74:30] And how about her 60-year old self? What would she hear from present-day Rachel?
- [75:50] Rapid Fire Questions! A great swear-word combo, her alternate career, words at the pearly gates, what she’s not very good at, favourite movie and what Rachel is grateful for
- [77:50] Final parting words from Rachel
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