November 15, 2022
Episode 154 – Ryan Niddel – Persistent Curiosity in Service of Evolution
“Quite often when I feel that level of resistance, my default now is to get simple. Anytime there’s a little resistance it’s almost always because I’ve overcomplicated something, which is the inherent nature of who I am. It’s this back and forth to me of, if I’m creating reality, why did I create this, what do I need to learn from it, have I learned the lesson before (obviously not if I created it again) and then how do I shift through it without there having to be a bunch of strife.” – Ryan Niddel
- Selected links and people mentioned from this episode:
- MIT45
- The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes
- Straight from the Gut by Jack Welch
- The Gap and the Gain by Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy
- Wake Up Warrior
- Winning by Tim S. Grover
- A Theory of Everything by Ken Wilber
- Connect with REIN Canada
- REIN Canada
- REIN Channel
- [02:08] Patrick introduces his next TEDM guest, Ryan Niddel.
- [03:17] Ryan and Patrick get acquainted, and Ryan lets us know what he’s up to these days in the business world. He also shares a bit about his company MIT45 and explains their product, kratom.
- [06:34] Ryan explains what is behind his drive to attain the success he has. He figured it out early on with his first local lawn mowing service at the age of 10.
- [09:20] Patrick and Ryan discuss the innate quality of an entrepreneurial spirit which for them both, began with a desire for things their parents just weren’t going to pay for! Ryan also credits the mentorship he received from the time he was 14 and the seeds of wisdom that were to be cultivated a little later in life.
- [13:14] Creating the environment within and around us to achieve our goals. Ryan shares an experience from his late 20s and early 30s that affirms the power of the right community and mentors to fortify our inner belief system.
- [18:46] Failure. Ryan shares his perspective on that which he calls momentary shortcomings. In the macro view, they need to occur to inform our later experiences with more expedience.
- [21:54] Ryan talks about his academic background, but also the business experience, and persistent curiosity that have provided the best kind of learning, hands-on and in the game.
- [26:09] Ryan describes his parents’ path, and the long-lasting impact of that entrepreneurial influence from his childhood.
- [31:45] Ryan’s definition of success for himself, the experiential by-product from that, and how he has learned to celebrate along way.
- [36:06] A trifecta of forks in the road! Ryan shares three pivotal moments in his life that shaped his trajectory.
- [40:32] Relationships. Ryan and Patrick talk about the way in which their relationships keep them both accountable and serve to elevate their game.
- [44:07] Resistance and flow. In the game of life, Ryan offers the question: do we want to spend our time resisting and butting heads with ideas and people or consider a more open and enjoyable approach to our growth evolution in co-creation?
- [48:47] Culture, environment and community have, over the last few years, become a priority in the way Ryan operates his business. It lives within his values now in the way he shows up and is fundamental for his team, accountability, and the growth of his business. The importance of these aspects reaches the level of his own role and ensuring his effectiveness grows as the company does. Ryan is aware that if it ceases to, he expects to be replaced.
- [58:45] Ryan explains how he views resistance and the question he asks himself when it shows up. His default now is to take it to a place of simplicity and inquiry. To communicate in a way intended to be thought-provoking and solutions based, not dictatorial (although Ryan admits sometimes as a last resort it comes to that.)
- [65:32] Venturing into his physical discipline, Ryan discusses his training journey from high school, college, and the world of body building to now a more mindful approach, folding in a more well-rounded routine. Going back to Ryan’s persistent curiosity, he is fully invested in his health and seeing what he is capable of.
- [72:38] Ryan adheres to the principles of Kaizen – consistent, small, incremental improvements – in the way he lives his life. As he and his wife navigate the fluidity of their relationship, he takes notice of the individual ways they approach growth. Although the foundational parts don’t waiver, different seasons, and different pillars may require specific attention.
- [77:40] Ryan and Patrick riff on values and communication in relationship whether personal or business, regardless of where we are in life.
- [79:53] Windin’ the conversation toward the flames of the rapid fire! Favourite books to recommend and gift; favourite swear word; favourite inspirational quote; message at the pearly gates; what Ryan’s not very good at but continues to do it anyways; room-desk-car; variety of musical tastes; favourite movie.
- [83:50] Ryan’s gratitude.