Episode 201 – Dr. Gregory Kelly – Unlock Your Brainpower for Wellness and High Performance

“Other people often around us will pick up before we do, that we’re a little bit off our game. If we become aware of it, and then pay attention to it, often with that we’ll get some insight into why we’re feeling a bit overwhelmed. The goal ultimately is to take actions early before things really build and become debilitating. All of us have the capability for that.” – Gregory Kelly

  • Gregory Kelly is Vice President of Product Development at Neurohacker Collective, naturopathic physician (N.D.), and author of the book Shape Shift. He was the editor of the journal Alternative Medicine Review and has been an instructor at the University of Bridgeport in the College of Naturopathic Medicine, where he taught classes in Advanced Clinical Nutrition, Counseling Skills, and Doctor-Patient Relationships.
  • Dr. Kelly has published hundreds of articles on natural medicine and nutrition, contributed three chapters to the Textbook of Natural Medicine, and has more than 30 journal articles indexed on Pubmed. His areas of expertise include nootropics, anti-aging and regenerative medicine, weight management, sleep and the chronobiology of performance and health.
  • Tune in to this episode to hear Patrick and Dr. Gregory Kelly unpack the power of the mind/body connection. Dr. Greg’s career start was in the military, where a fellow officer introduced him to a book that proved to be a pivotal point of reference for his future. When a profound experience in his own alcohol dependency rehabilitation occurred, Gregory became fascinated with the mind/body connection. Eventually he pursued his deeper purpose into Naturopathic Medicine with a focus on brain function support. Dr. Greg describes the signals and sensations our bodies send us, which when partnered with self-awareness, helps us to pay attention to the state of our mind, and a possible shift toward better wellness. Patrick and Dr. Greg also talk about blind spots, feedback and the fundamental importance of quality sleep for better health and memory retention. Dr. Greg shares the research they’ve done at Qualia and the nootropics they have developed to support all manner of brain function. This is a fascinating conversation and one that can help you unlock the power of your brain!
  • Show Notes
  • [00:42] Patrick introduces his next TEDM guest, Dr. Gregory Kelly.
  • [01:52] Gregory and Patrick get going with what’s on Dr. Greg’s agenda these days.
  • [03:24] From military to naturopathic medicine, Gregory takes us on the journey that started with a fellow officer recommending a book on healthy eating that led to his interest in pursuing naturopathic studies.
  • [06:53] Currently Dr. Greg’s primary focus is on the brain and supporting brain function. He explains that his main interest has always been mind/body interface. His own profound experience with alcohol rehabilitation informed the keen interest he developed in the mind/body connection. The thoughts we think, affect our body’s function.
  • [09:37] Taking a deeper dive into how our thoughts and experiences can cause symptoms or dis-ease in our body, Gregory explains that we can store things somatically in our body and we’re not always consciously aware of them. They will show up over time often as a person’s Achilles heel and certainly as a signal. Gregory uses a personal story as an example and shares the way he shifted his thoughts to overcome the symptoms.
  • [15:45] Patrick shares a story of witnessing in someone else the power that our thoughts and emotions quickly have over the state of our physical being.
  • [18:15] The catalyst that directed Gregory’s path to the brain!
  • [19:55] Dr. Greg describes signals including brain fog, mood fluctuations, persistent stress and anxiety and sleep issues that when present we may want to take a closer look at. He explains the 6 big buckets doctors use to diagnose issues with the brain.
  • [24:41] In consideration of those buckets, Dr. Greg provides a simple way to look at how the brain works. It’s a cognitive tank of resources that is generally full at the start of our day and as we task it, it’s resources slowly drain. He offers what was his Dad’s daily routine as an example of diminishing resilience. Dr. Greg also recommends ways we can give our brains a restoration break and enhance its resources.
  • [28:08] Know thyself, be true to thyself. How can someone self assess? It’s a bit difficult because we can’t always see our own issues. They are our blind spots. If we can embrace feedback as a tool for improvement vs. judgment it helps to provide clarity for growth and change. But we typically resist it. Using Patrick’s earlier story as an example, when we feel something going on in our body, rather than blame the person or event, use it for inquiry and self assessment. What does this sensation mean?
  • [33:50] Gregory shares a personal story of blind spots and mental bandwidth. He observes that when his bandwidth is being consumed or he is experiencing resistance to something or someone it’s usually a signal that something within him needs work or healing.
  • [37:04] Gregory explains the circumstances that would compel people to search out Qualia and seek the benefits of nootropics. Focus, energy, and motivation are the three driving factors.
  • [40:46] Caffeine and nootropics. Gregory describes the “Goldilocks” function of caffeine. He explains how they have designed and formulated their nootropics to bring the benefits of focus and clarity that caffeine provides, only gentler and more sustainably. Since 2015 Qualia has been working to bring the best quality products that reliably help people in the three big areas of focus, energy, and motivation.
  • [47:14] Sleep is profoundly important. The quality of our sleep affects and regulates so many of the functions in our body. Many of us don’t budget enough time to sleep and rely on things like alarms which end up interrupting our sleep cycle.
  • [51:47] Patrick shares a bit about his sleep routine and how critical it is to his daily performance. Gregory also explains how better sleep quality improves our memory and retention. The time we invest in learning is more efficient and effective with better sleep. Dreaming sleep is when the tough things we experience that generate emotions gets processed and dealt with.
  • [55:21] Awareness is the starting point to get better in anything. When we experience sensations, such as overwhelm or pain, Greg suggests our number one job is to give it some attention, reassure it like an infant that is crying, and to ask questions about what is really going on. For example, head tension that may result in a headache, could be dehydration. As another example, for some, migraines may be a way, albeit an unproductive way, for people to take a break from their life.
  • [59:55] The goal is to take action early before things build and become debilitating. We all have the ability to build that muscle of self awareness, and self discovery. There is opportunity to choose the story we tell about what is going on within; to choose our perspective.
  • [62:09] Patrick and Dr. Greg wrap things up and share where we can find out more about the work Dr. Greg and Qualia are undertaking (check out the links!)

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