Episode #121 – Simeon Papailias – Intense & Wholehearted in Growth

“Change can only be made by oneself, for oneself. You can never pretend, you can’t fake it, you’re only fooling yourself. Change for the right reasons, or don’t change at all.“ – Simeon Papailias  

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  • Your Next Five Moves by Patrick Bet-David
  • Principles by Ray Dalio
  • Good to Great by Jim Collins
  • Prince’s Trust Canada
  • Victor Hugo
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    • [02:08] Patrick introduces his next TEDM guest and fellow research aficionado: Simeon Papailias.
    • [03:32] Simeon and Patrick get rolling with their conversation and mutual podcast respect!
    • [06:16] Simeon touches on his brokerage, the values-driven journey he and his partners are committed to, and the incredible team they attract as a result. This commitment is essential and foundational.
    • [08:32] Attracting the people who align with their values may be a result, but Simeon extends his perspective that with the clear and resolute culture they have created, it does not even allow the wrong people to show up.
    • [12:34] Simeon shares his background from Canada to Greece and back to Alberta. “Born in a pizza bowl and raised in a kitchen”, Simeon spent his early years entrenched in the restaurant industry which included his own ventures and a firmly rooted entrepreneurial spirit.
    • [14:39] From a lineage of self-employed people who relied on themselves for income, Simeon’s father was busy working on the business, while his mother nurtured values, and taught him about relationships and emotional intelligence. Both styles of leadership have served him well in life.
    • [16:52] Leadership in action. Simeon’s mentor in real estate Simon Giannini, opened his world and mind to personal and professional development that greatly elevated his experience. He describes the impact of an enlightened perspective and recommends some life changing books.
    • [22:24] Intensity tempered with humility. In his early years, Simeon describes his intensity, and the corporate success it brought him, as arrogant and judgemental. Life experience and people in whom he believed began to introduce humility, gratitude, and synchronicity. It is a change and evolution he is proud of.
    • [28:21] Culture and nature can provide great values and tradition. AND it’s important to remember how we occur and show up is always a choice, we are not exclusively bound by that culture or nature. Beyond those boundaries most people are wired to know the difference between wrong and right.
    • [33:17] Patrick shares a quick personal story which illustrates values and the awareness we can cultivate through training.
    • [35:44] Simeon expands his thoughts on growth and development and his reasons to keep working at it. Not to be in judgement of others but to further himself; to show up for his family and his business team to be a positive example, and to act in alignment with his integrity and values.
    • [40:55] In the space of goals and passions, Simeon explains that for him money is no longer driving them. His passions revolve around growth and business development which may result in money opportunity and impact, but dollars are not the measure.
    • [44:12] Significance and contribution. Simeon and Patrick discuss “success”, contribution, control, and efficiencies. In particular, they each dive into a view of balance vs. guilt, where they’re at with it currently, and a consideration to look at life and business as one. And darn why not fold fun into every aspect of our lives!
    • [56:02] With sports analogies acknowledged, Simeon talks about his approach to leadership, coaching and mentorship, who he is working with currently, plus the depth to which his mentors positively impact his life. Encourage somebody to move but keep them accountable.
    • [62:47] Simeon shares that he has always recognized the need to be coachable, to listen to the people around him who he respected, and who questioned him with the purpose of providing benefit. Today his intentionality around gaining insight and mentorship in all conversations is the difference.
    • [64:28] What is Simeon’s advice for his 18-year-old self?
    • [66:16] What advice would he give his 65-year-old self?
    • [68:11] Let’s rip into some rapid fire! Android or iPhone; favourite inspirational quote; favourite tune – a Greek song; favourite books; message at the pearly gates; Simeon doesn’t do anything he doesn’t like!; room-desk-car (yes); favourite swear word.
    • [71:28] Simeon’s gratitude.

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