“Nobody could have predicted what happened and more importantly nobody can predict what’s going to happen. These are unchartered, unprecedented times; be prepared for multiple outcomes.”-Derek Lobo Connect with Derek Lobo: LinkedIn Twitter YouTube Selected links and people mentioned in this episode: SVN Rock Advisors TEDM Episode 99, Thriving in Uncertainty Derek’s first […]
“It’s quality of life; that yin and yang between money and happiness. I’ve also chosen the happiness route; I’ve never been overburdened. Yes, I always end up biting off more than I can chew but that’s not because of greed, it’s because of ambition. It’s because I’m motivated, I love what I do, and doing […]
“If you really want to have success in this, and you really want to have success going forward, you have to change your full thinking; it’s simple, but it’s not easy. There’s a paradigm shift that has to happen.” – Mark Moss Connect with Connect with Mark Moss: YouTube Website LinkedIn Facebook Twitter […]
“I’m really excited about the future because I get to teach people everyday how to become independent, how to live the life that they want, through knowledge. Just like I learned from REIN, and that’s real estate knowledge, knowledge is the absolute key to freedom.” – Omar Khan Connect with Connect with Omar […]
“How we portray the brand, how we market the brand, how we communicate everything around that brand needs to be in sync. You need to get the whole organization understanding what that ethos is and be consistent in its application and its communication. And you really need senior leadership to align to that.” – Bryan […]
“I feel that it is so very important to invest in the community. We are business owners here and we generate our income here, so it’s important to give back, and to show that we are giving back. I’ve heard from other tenants who have said that ‘we feel a sense of pride, we feel […]
“It all comes down to diversity of thought and diversity of opinion being expressed. The more people are exposed to different ideas, the more they will be willing to accept and be able to listen to those ideas and then come up with a challenging viewpoint to those ideas. And in doing so they challenge […]
“When you exercise your curiosity and you come to someone without an agenda, you get so much more back. You’re going to learn from that person, it’s going to spur ideas, it’s going to help you change your thinking.” – Sean De Vries Connect with Sean De Vries: LinkedIn Selected links and people […]
Connect with Terrie Schauer: YouTube Facebook Instagram Twitter Website vLinkedIn Blog Selected links and people mentioned in this episode: Mindful Landlord by Terrie Schauer Big Five Personality Test Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki Way of the Peaceful Warrior by Dan Millman Anxiety, Phobias & Panic by Reneau Z. Peurifoy Logotherapy The […]
Connect with Chris Biasutti: YouTube Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Selected Links and people mentioned from this episode: Philip McKernan One Last Talk New Caledonia Find A Crew Performance Free Diving Solomon Islands Chris Biasutti Masterclass Dove by Robin Lee
Connect with Jeff Gunther: LinkedIn Blog Facebook Twitter YouTube Selected Links and people mentioned from this episode: SecretHomes.ca Mark O. Haroldsen Raymond Aaron Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell Your Unfair Advantage REIN Success Formula for Raising Capital Your God is Too Safe by Mark Buchanan Insurgence by Frank Viola Connect with REIN Canada REIN […]
Connect with Gary Spencer-Smith: LinkedIn Facebook Instagram Rev N You Selected Links and people mentioned from this episode: REIN ACRE Fish and Duck Sproat Lake Resort Nev Lapwood TEDM Episode #78 Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki what3words app Lauren Spencer-Smith on American Idol Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind by Yuval […]
Connect with Greg Wycliffe: LinkedIn Twitter Facebook YouTube Selected Links and people mentioned from this episode:: VCM Interactive – Full Service Video Production Solutions George Carlin People’s Party of Canada Maxime Bernier The Parasitic Mind: How Infectious Ideas are Killing Common Sense: by Dr. Gad Saad Connect with REIN Canada REIN Canada [email protected] […]
Connect with Steve Saretsky: LinkedIn Twitter Facebook YouTube Instagram Selected Links and people mentioned from this episode:: Saretsky Report The Pig & The Python by David Cork Ray Dalio Rich Dad, Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki Gary Vaynerchuk Peloton MACROVoices podcast David Rosenberg Real Vision George Gammon Ken Rogoff Central Bank The Wealthy […]
Connect with Careyann Goliver: LinkedIn Twitter Facebook Blog Franchise Logic The Entrepreneurial Rollercoaster by Darren Hardy The E-Myth Revisited by Michael Gerber Connect with REIN Canada REIN Canada [email protected] Facebook Instagram Twitter SHOW NOTES [02:08] Patrick introduces his next TEDM guest: America’s Franchise Matchmaker, Careyann Goliver. [03:22] Careyann and Patrick get rolling with […]
Connect with Chad Griffiths : LinkedIn YouTube Twitter Facebook Instagram Blog Selected Links & People Mentioned in this Episode NAI Commercial Edmontoncommercial.com Melcor REIT Canada Emergency Commercial Rent Assistance (CECRA) Red Notice by Bill Browder Glengarry Glen Ross film Connect with REIN Canada REIN Canada [email protected] Facebook Instagram Twitter SHOW NOTES [02:08] Patrick […]
“You don’t need to have a big audience; you need to have the right audience.” – Matt Johnson Connect with Matt Johnson: LinkedIn YouTube Instagram Facebook Podcasts: Real Estate Uncensored, MicroFamous Selected Links & People Mentioned in this Episode Pursuing Results MicroFamous by Matt Johnson Gary Vaynerchuk (Gary Vee) Millionaire Real Estate Agent […]
“In terms of measurement of success, for me, the bar should always be moving. As soon as you get to a certain level and you accomplish that goal you say: ok well, what’s next? So, when you have that entrepreneur mindset it’s about the journey, it’s not about actually getting to a specific spot. You’ve […]
“To me integrity means acting consistently in accord with your genuine underlying core values. The stoic ideal would be that if you’ve gone through the fire of the Socratic method, the absolute ideal would be to be free from hypocrisy and self-contradiction. That you’ve basically thought through your attitude towards life and ironed out all […]
“At the end of the day what I’ve really got clear on for me, right now, is that I’m here, I’m now, this is where I have to make the difference. I want to be present to what I can do today, not a thousand years from now? F***, who cares. It doesn’t matter, I’m […]
“Stay in traffic. We are in a very changing world. Solicit other peoples’ opinion; people older than you, younger than you, smarter than you, whatever it is. Stay in traffic and pay attention to what’s going on.” – Derek Lobo Connect with Derek LinkedIn Twitter Youtube Selected Links & People Mentioned in this […]
Lead the life that you find meaningful.” – Florent Thevenin Connect with Florent Thevenin LinkedIn Facebook Twitter Selected Links & People Mentioned in this Episode TheFutureEconomy.ca Enerkem Elon Musk Richard Branson Genome Canada TheFutureEconomy.ca COVID-19 Rebound Series Michael Crothers Shell Canada CBSR – Do Business Like a Canadian campaign Invest in Canada REIN […]
“I love helping people reach their goals, I also love teaching people about what they can do with their lives, with their money, with their passions. Real estate is one way to do that. It’s one way to fund many different things and it can open up a lot of doors for people. So, my […]
“What really makes me happy and engaged is actually helping others… to see that we’re making a measurable impact on clients’ wealth is very rewarding for me” – Dalia Barsoum Connect with Dalia Barsoum LinkedIn Facebook Blog Selected Links & People Mentioned in this Episode Streetwise Mortgages Canadian Real Estate Investor Financing by […]
“Sometimes people ask, am I happy or satisfied with what I’ve done and I think the answer will be never. Never will I be because there’s always another horizon, there’s always another person out there that’s struggling.” – Barbara Arrowsmith-Young Connect with Barbara Arrowsmith-Young LinkedIn Facebook Website Selected Links & People Mentioned in […]